Some gastroenterology diseases require an operation that is performed by a gastro surgeron. In any case, called cautious gastroenterologists, are specialists who work in operations on the throat, stomach, little stomach-related framework, inside organ, and rectum. Dr. Subhashish Das' clinical staff includes presumably the best gastroenterologist experts in India who are furnished with the latest gadgets and clinical headways to really do minor and significant medical procedures. Our gathering has been dependably situated among the top gastroenterologists in India and is assumed for their capable cautious mediations by virtue of a tainted index, colon harmful development, diverticular infections, nerve bladder diseases, gastroesophageal reflux sickness (GERD), Crohn's ailment, ulcerative colitis, Hiatal hernias, and rectal prolapse. Contact us to book a gathering with a cautious gastroenterologist near you.

  • Gastrointestinal surgeon in Delhi
  • Best Gastrointestinal Surgeon in Delhi
  • Gastrointestinal Doctor in Delhi

For more details please contact us at 8383010836.