Colon and Rectal Cancer

What is Colon Cancer?

Colon cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the large intestine (colon). The colon is the final part of the digestive tract. Colon cancer typically affects older adults, though it can happen at any age. It usually begins as small, noncancerous (benign) clumps of cells called polyps that form on the inside of the colon. Over time some of these polyps can become colon cancers.

Polyps may be small and produce few if any, symptoms. For this reason, doctors recommend regular screening tests to help prevent colon cancer by identifying and removing polyps before they turn into cancer. If colon cancer develops, many treatments are available to help control it, including surgery, radiation therapy, and drug treatments, such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. Colon cancer is sometimes called colorectal cancer, which is a term that combines colon cancer and rectal cancer, which begins in the rectum.

What is rectal cancer?
Rectal cancer develops when cancer cells form in the rectum (the last six inches of the large intestine). The rectum is a chamber that’s located between the colon and the anus.

Who does rectal cancer affect?
Rectal cancer affects both men and women, though men are slightly more likely to develop the disease. In most cases, people diagnosed with the disease are over the age of 50. However, it’s possible for teens and young adults to develop rectal cancer, as well.

What are the warning signs of rectal cancer?
In many cases, rectal cancers don’t cause symptoms at all. However, some people may notice certain warning signs.

Rectal cancer symptoms may include:

  • Rectal bleeding.
  • Blood in your stool (poop).
  • Diarrhea.
  • Constipation.
  • A sudden change in your bowel habits.
  • Narrow stool.
  • Tiredness.
  • Weakness.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Unexplained weight loss.

Category: Colon and Rectal Cancer
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